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Hvem er menneske, hvem er maskine? Hvem er herre, hvem er skygge?
For første gang skabes der en sanselig og poetisk forestilling i et 3D-univers, hvor kunstig intelligens spiller hovedrollen – på en aften ingen ved, hvordan slutter…
25. - 28. april
Previous Projects at WHITE HOLE THEATER
THE BATTLE #2: A VR theater performance reenacting the fight for the Danish crown in 1150 - about the making of history and the eternal struggle between war and peace. Find info about tickets and audience experiences here.
THE BATTLE #1: In Viborg 1150, the battle for the Danish throne is about to change history forever. But what if the audience could choose the king of Denmark, and shape the future?
VIBORG 1146: A VR experience that transports audiences from the Big Bang to medieval Viborg.
ARNOLD'S VISION: A June 2021 sneak-peek into the 3 KINGS3 KINGS Universe.
WHO ARE THE ACTORS? - Inside/Outside Laboratory and Conference - October 2022